Monday, March 2, 2009

the four

I met K* in the hallway waiting for the RISD store to open. She informed me what time the store would open. Since we were both waiting I took the opportunity to ask her about community.
K* transferred to RISD from community college in Philly.
She feels a lack of community here.
She has close friends, but none live in Providence.
Her connection to community is taking photos of downtown Providence.

Back in my studio, I wandered into the sophomore room; everyone was pedal to the medal sewing. I wandered into the junior room where I found a student working on the tracing table, caught.

S* represents a well voiced opinion that community is found in her studio. Studio is where she spends most of her time.
She has grown close to students in her department. She sees RISD being too competitive and intense for a community to form. Forced community, like movie nights hosted by R.A.‘s are rarely attended. RISD is too diverse, with too many groups to be in one place at one time.

In my definition of community, it is composed of many parts; students, faculty, staff, and beyond. I believe in the mixing of generations to teach and uphold standards of each other. Therefore I wanted to seek out more than just students; unfortunately I waited until the weekend to conduct my interviews.

L* works part time at the RISD museum. She recently married and moved to Providence from New York. She defines her community as something she does not necessarily interact with, but watches. She feels connected to community at farmers markets, library, and other open public space. Going to these locations, watching from the outside, she feels part of something bigger. The Eastside is her community.

Seeking my last interviewee in the night, I enter market house. I’m not sure if any life exists in the building in the evening. I entered to be welcomed by a persistent alarm buzzing, a student telling me they have a key, and they can’t work with all this noise. I leave.

Textiles is safe.; friendly girls who weave. I sit down next to a girl on the floor wrapping yarn around cardboard. I tell her about the class and ask her a question. She tells me she has already been interviewed about community today, what are the chances? But who can resist when she has had time to rethink her previous answers.

A* is in textiles. She finds a strong community in the MET, The Quad, and RISD beach. She talks about department studio community and calls this, “different moods of community”. Her perfect definition of community is Coffee Exchange, they have all the senses covered; it is a special place.

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